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Ela Ella Howard Poland Portland Alien Girl Blue Alien Boy James Chasse celebrate all lives BOLI Civil Rights Constitution Project Respond Cascadia Oregon Freedom Cascadia Portland Oregon
James Chasse Alien Boy Alien Girl Ela Ella Howard Portland Oregon

September 17 is the Constitution Day, the anniversary of signing the American Constitution in 1787.

On September 17th, in Portland, Oregon, instead of celebrating the American Constitution and our Civil rights, the provocateurs stage demonstrations and agitate the youth to "stand up" and fight. 

On September 17 James Chasse was killed in 2006 in the hands of a team of Portland Police and Sheriff's deputy. Since the death of James Chasse, the pseudo-activists and the provocateurs, aided by a globalist network, keep staging demonstrations.  On September 17, in Portland, the provocateurs stage burnings of the American flag. And they provoke more and more tension.... more and more violence... 

The film, "Alien Boy, the Life and death of James Chasse" is a provocation lie-lie-lie film about his death... but... not only. As it turned out, the film is about... chasing after "Aliens." Who is an "Alien," according to the provocateurs? In the film, the provocateurs show me as accountable for his death, even though I saw James Chasse one time, for one minute, two days before he was killed. I'm an immigrant from Poland. I'm not actually Jewish, but nevertheless, I've been targetted with heavy anti-Semitic slurs and Holocaust-themed harassment. Apparently, the provocateurs use an "anything goes" approach to incite a chase after a supposed "Alien."

The same provocateurs went to Ferguson. And to Southern Oregon where they premiered another inflammatory film near Roseburg, the site  the horrific Umpqua mass shooting. And they have taken the film "Alien Boy, the Life and Death of James Chasse" and the provocation around the country and oversees. Many people suffered and died as the result of this provocations already. How many "Aliens"? And the provocation keeps growing... Meanwhile... politicians have been elected with the help of the provocateurs. BIG $$$ have been pocketed by the establishment and the provocateurs together... Because, of course, the same hand has been playing both sides. The same hand has been holding all the cards...

The provocateurs say that they that they are working on what in Oregon is referred to as a "Revolution" or an "Independence movement." Aka a Civil War. And an entry point into a global war...

Constitution Day September 17 James Chasse Portland Oregon

James Chasse was killed on September 17.  Two days prior, on September 15, I was a part of a team of three Cascadia clinicians who went to his residence to conduct a welfare check.  Chasse's Cascadia case manger who knew him for a long time and neglected him for weeks was part of that team.  All this was covered up, including during grand jury hearing and during four subsequent court cases.  Seven years after the death of James Chasse, with nobody ever making a peep to me, my employer Cascadia, together with Jason Renaud, the Oregon Euthanasia man, with Brian Lindstrom and his famous wife Cheryl strayed released the film, "Alien Boy, the Life and Death of James Chasse," where they cover up their involvement and present me as accountable for his care and for his death. The provocation set up a hunt after me. I've been targeted by gruesome death threats, some of them heavily anti-Semitic and Holocaust-themed. I'm an immigrant from Poland. I'm actually not Jewish, but apparently, for the provocateurs/hunters, anything goes. The September 15, 1935 Nazi "racial exclusion" laws targeted Jewish people and people with a trace of Jewish descent down to fourth generation. Or, just anybody. Nobody wants to help me.  People are either seeing this hunt as a part of the Portland status-quo, or are afraid to do anything and help me. My Civil Rights complaint was dismissed.  The court of law dismissed my lawsuit against Cascadia.

 James Chasse Alien Boy Alien Girl Ela Ella Howard Portland Oregon
 James Chasse Alien Boy Alien Girl Ela Ella Howard Portland Oregon

On September 17, 2006 James Chasse was walking from church. About two hours later, he was dead.

To the right is a three minute trailer of the lie-lie-lie provocation film made about his torterous death. The filmakers gave the film the title "Alien Boy."

We are Americans. Not "Aliens."

I don't recommend watching this lie-lie-lie film. I recommend reading about the provocation, the deception, the actors, the smiling police officer, the lawyer who doesn't asks the most important questions, the time-holes and loops, the Nazi/Satanist band "Poison Idea" who in the film are presented as "friends" of James Chasse, about the "Alien Boy/Alien Girl" "go grab your guns" song, about forged documents, kangaroo courts, cover-ups, the involvement of the members of a globalist network called "Process Work"with outpost in war zones and politically charged places all over the world . I recommend finding out about the "Process Work" training that was imposed on Portland Police after the death of James Chasse. And abougt the makers of "Alien Boy". The main producer is an Euthanasia network guy who is presented as... a "mental health advocate" and an "expert in police accountability." A co-producer is very famous Cheryl Strayed who co-produced the film "Alien Boy" and is famous for having learned her life lessons from shooting up heroin and wrote a memoir "Wild." Cheryl Strayed put me in in her lie-lie "Alien Boy" film without ever talking to me. About the agency Cascadia Behavioral Health who co-produced the film and put me in it without ever making a peep or giving me a warning that I would be threatened to be "erased with no trace" and be the next "Alien" to harrass. Aboout Cascadia employing globalist "Process Workers" who were my co-workers and who framed into being presented as "accountable" for James Chasse's death. I recommend reading my Civil Rights complaint that was dismissed and my lawsuit against Cascadia that Cascadia didnt respond to and was dismissed too.

I recommend pondering the tragedy - the human tragedy of James Chasse's death, the tragedy of how many more suffreing and deaths the provocateurs have caused, the tragedy of the staged demonstrations with ritualistic burnings of the American flag on September 17, Constitution Day, the day when we should remember and ensure our most precious human and civil rights. I recomed pondering the tragedy of having the human and civil rights taken away, just like in the "Alien Boy/Alien Girl" song - "you have no rights, no rights at all.


I don't recommend the film "Alien Boy, but here it is - to the right. Otherwise, it's hard to believe that it can be real. The lie-lie-lie film, "Alien Boy," the Life and Death of James Chasse" (to the right).

 James Chasse Alien Boy Alien Girl Ela Ella Howard   Portland Oregon

Go and grab your guns
you got him on the run
'cause she's an Alien
They hurt what they don't understand...
... Got him on the run
Go and grab your gun
'cause he's an Alien Alien Alien Boy.
...Got no rights, no rights at all...
 And then, in a low voice, there's something I don't want to quote here because of the explicitness.

I don't recommend watching this lie-lie-lie film. I recommend reading about the provocation, the deception, the actors, the smiling police officer, the lawyer who doesn't asks the most important questions, the time-holes and loops, the Nazi/Satanist band "Poison Idea" who in the film are presented as "friends" of James Chasse, about the "Alien Boy/Alien Girl" "go grab your guns" song, about forged documents, kangaroo courts, cover-ups, the involvement of the members of a globalist network called "Process Work"with outpost in war zones and politically charged places all over the world . I recommend finding out about the "Process Work" training that was imposed on Portland Police after the death of James Chasse. And abougt the makers of "Alien Boy". The main producer is an Euthanasia network guy who is presented as... a "mental health advocate" and an "expert in police accountability." A co-producer is very famous Cheryl Strayed who co-produced the film "Alien Boy" and is famous for having learned her life lessons from shooting up heroin and wrote a memoir "Wild." Cheryl Strayed put me in in her lie-lie "Alien Boy" film without ever talking to me. About the agency Cascadia Behavioral Health who co-produced the film and put me in it without ever making a peep or giving me a warning that I would be threatened to be "erased with no trace" and be the next "Alien" to harrass. Aboout Cascadia employing globalist "Process Workers" who were my co-workers and who framed into being presented as "accountable" for James Chasse's death. I recommend reading my Civil Rights complaint that was dismissed and my lawsuit against Cascadia that Cascadia didnt respond to and was dismissed too.

I recommend pondering the tragedy - the human tragedy of James Chasse's death, the tragedy of how many more suffreing and deaths the provocateurs have caused, the tragedy of the staged demonstrations with ritualistic burnings of the American flag on September 17, Constitution Day, the day when we should remember and ensure our most precious human and civil rights. I recomed pondering the tragedy of having the human and civil rights taken away, just like in the "Alien Boy/Alien Girl" song - "you have no rights, no rights at all.

James Chasse Alien Boy Alien Girl Ela Ella Howard Portland Oregon Jason Renaud Brian Lindstrom Cheryl Strayed Derald Walker Cascadia
James Chasse Alien Boy Alien Girl Ela Ella Howard Portland Oregon Jason Renaud Brian Lindstrom Cheryl Strayed Derald Walker Cascadia
James Chasse Alien Boy Alien Girl Ela Ella Howard Portland Oregon Jason Renaud Brian Lindstrom Cheryl Strayed Derald Walker Cascadi
James Chasse Alien Boy Alien Girl Ela Ella Howard Portland Oregon Jason Renaud Brian Lindstrom Cheryl Strayed Derald Walker Cascadi

The provocation machine in Portland is working overdrive. A guy who works in Portland as an artist created an anti-Semitic provocation/smear and put it on the Internet.  It's horrible, gut-wrenching and really ugly.  I contacted this "artist" and him to remove it. He removed some of it, but left most of it sitting on the Internet.  It involves events (true or not) in Paris and other cities in Europe in 1920s. Right now (as I'm writing this, in April 2017), and, fortunately, it doesn't seem to be attracting any attention. But it's very, very concerning!

I started creating these webpages in 2015/early 2016 while being subjected to severe death threats and grusome intimidation. One of the threats was that I would be "erased with no trace." So I started learling how to make webpages and graphic arts and started making a TRACE. 

And then... I was subjected to even more grusome threats. I lost my courage and I stopped updating my internet content. Now, in the spring of 2017 I'm trying to find my courage again.

I made comments in Portland press.  Some of my comments were deleted. is the summary of the comments I made in Portland Press. I stopped making comments because I was death-treatened.

My comments are also in the Oregonian newspaper and on Discuss. 

Here are links to some of my Internet content, my TRACE:

My Twitter account (just started) is @ElaHowardAlive   and @OregonImmigrant

Facebook "Ela Howard blogger"
Facebook "Ela Howard artist" 
My personal Facebook page is

my Linkedin profile.

Blog - My life as and Immigrant in Portland, Oregon and my journey to find justice. 

And... my lawsuit against my former employer Cascadia. 

Cascadia didn't respond to my lawsuit.  Simple as that.  In the court of law, when the defendant doesn’t respond, it means a “default.” At this point the plaintiff files a motion for the court to “enter a default” and then the judge rules on behalf of the plaintiff.  I filed a motion asking the court to enter a default.  The procedure is that the court MUST DO IT.  But the Portland court ignored my motion. The court dismissed my case.

I had an interview with Portland BOLI (Civil Rights Division of Bureau of Labour and Industries) investigator on December 28, 2015.

I called it a “Cake Day” because interview with Portland BOLI investigator was on the day BOLI sized financial assets of the bakery Sweet Cakes as their fine for not baking a wedding cake for a lesbian couple. 

The “cake coincidence” was that during my interview with BOLI a cake was also discussed – in my case it was a cake decorated with gravestones.

Before my former employer Cascadia fired me, they hired a lawyer who held a picture of a cake decorated with gravestones in front of me.

I told the BOLI investigator about the "Death Cake." The investigator told me "Casadia said that his lawyer was respectable."

Portand Civil Rights Division of BOLI dismissed my complaint.

Memoir I put up a blog just to have something on the Internet as a TRACE.

I also created a separate webpage just to document the harassment and the strange things that appeared on the Internet as I was intimidated and harrassed in person.

Ela Ella Howard Poland Portland Immigrant blue

The original spelling of my name is Ela - but no matter how hard I try, people (and the internet) spell my name Ella.  Sigh. Ela or Ella?  Ela!

Ela Howard Originally from Poland , now living in Portland, Oregon. (aka Ella Howard - for search engines and people who tend to spell my name Ella) Ela Howard Portland.

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